3-Seiten-Krimi hören

831 Der Gülle-Mörder

832 Überraschung

833 Familieknatsch

834 Rache isch süess

835 Literatur-Mord

836 En länge Bremswäg Mp3

837 Fönschlag

838 Manchmal sind`s Kleinigkeiten

839 Tell`s Geschoss

840 Prost Mahlzeit

841 Curare-Mord

842 Der gefrorene Dieb

843 Napfgewitter

844 Viehschau

845 Wolfsghüül Ton

846 Wätterlüchte um der Gurnigel T

847 Wyberchrieg T



3 responses to “3-Seiten-Krimi hören”

  1. Heinz Hodel

    Dear Heinz Thank you for giving me access to your website. It is fantastic! I started listening to one of your stories, It was lovely yto hear the sound of your voice. i didn’t have time to listen to all of it. We have had a busy time with relatives visiting from Queensland. I have printed off one of your stories and will enjoy reading it later today.

    Wonderful Website!

  2. Heinz Hodel

    Dear Heinze
    I listened to your story “ Surprise“ My German was not good enough to undestand the whole story but I did understand the basics and the „surprise“.


    Great work Heinz!


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